You think you have it all figured out. And in some ways you do. You’re almost finished with your first year of law school. This is big because that first semester was a real eye opener. Seriously, Property I and Professor Burkhard kicked your tail in. You didn’t ace everything the way you did in undergrad. And you know what? That’s ok—in 20 years no one will care what your grade in Property I was. Or frankly your grades in ANY of your classes.
You’ve planned a wedding. Actually a few months away from walking down the aisle–if you can call it that since it’s more like a stroll down the beach. Let me just tell you, deciding on a destination wedding–good call. You will never regret that one.
You have a house. Actually, you and your fiancé have a cute little home in Columbia not far from where your grandparents lived. On Renaissance Way, Sounds fancier than it is, but you love it.
Secured a summer job with a law firm and had the good fortunne of being asisgned to a lawyer that will not only be a wonderful mentor but also is a fabulous person and friend.
But in a lot of ways you need to get it together, girl. Law school is a marathon, not a sprint. There’s a book that will come out in 2013 or so called The Help: “You is smart you is kind you is important.” Remember that phrase because so many people will try to tear you down. Case in point: that mean Moot Court judge who gives you cruel commentary on how you should take voice lessons. He thought he was being creative by giving you different feedback than the other 2 “judges.” Screw him.
You will lose friends and gain friends. There will be seasons to your friendships. That will be hard to accept for you, but you will have to trust me on this one.
After law school, you will end up back in your hometown, clerking for a judge in Pickens County who turns out to be a brillant man and a kind friend. This is a perfect example of how you need to learn from those around you. It will come in handy later on. On this point, I’m not just talking about the law.
One thing that you’ve always wanted will come true: you will be a mom to 2 out of this world kids—(spoiler alert) a girl and a boy. And yes, at times it is much harder than you ever imagined and at times it will be the most awe-inspiring, gut checking thing you will ever experience. Think of little Nigel down the street, the little neighborhood boy who plays outside in the cul de sac. You know how much you adore him- imagine he is yours. The responsibility is mindboggling, and yet such a blessing at the same moment.
You will lose loved ones. On this point, I won’t give specifics. Loss is a part of the journey (damnit).
Your cat China will not be your only pet, just the first of many. So many firsts are yet to come…so much is possible.
Learn your voice and use it. Take risks. This one might be a tough nut to crack for you, but you need to try.
Make time for your loved ones and for yourself.
Don’t overplan and overworry and come to the end of the day wondering what you accomplished. Learn to just be.
20 years from now, you will hopefully be where you always wanted to be, but still keep reaching for more. Not because you aren’t content, but because you want to push yourself to be more and model that for your kids. So they see you never giving up on something you really want. (Yes, this will mean that you are just stubborn enough to apply for something called the Disney Parks Moms Panel eight times, but who’s counting?)
Never settle. Always set high goals and aim for the things that seem almost impossible.
Dream big. Play fair. Think smart. Love always. And love God.
That should about cover it.
…Oh, and it might be a good idea to buy Disney and Apple stock now 😉
Love, me