Boy, being a mom is one heckuva tricky job. One minute, you’re comforting an injured child who got an eye scratch when her brother accidentally kicked bark in her eye. You are their healer-their source of comfort-their center. The next, they are trying all the angles to convince you that we MUST adopt a cat […]
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Back to School We Go (excuse me if I’m Grumpy!)
Oh boy, tomorrow morning is going to be U-G-L-Y. We’ve been sleeping in almost the entire Christmas break, so 6:00 is going to be brutal. It will Kick. My. Bootie. I could have phased in by moving the bedtime up and waking them up earlier, but hey, I’m the one who was sleeping in right […]
Happy 2012!
Back to blogging-and it feels…weird. I’ve crammed so much in these past few weeks and I don’t know exactly where to begin. So I’ll simply start small and wish all of you the very best this new year. It holds tons of promise-I love that about new beginnings. What I don’t like? The concept of […]
Happy Birthday, Oma!
Exactly 102 years ago today, my dear grandmother Oma was born. During the 30 Days of Thanks in November, I honored her memory on the day she passed away. But I think it’s more appropriate to celebrate her life on her birthday because she was such a vivacious, bubbly and spirited woman. I treasure this […]
Boma was the BOMB-A!
Now I’m going to tap into my inner food critic and give you my two cents about Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. It was simply the BOMB! I can’t believe it took us this long to try this one…and I will admit that my reluctance was the location. Given the timing of our treks […]