20 years ago, I was the picture of career-minded and ambitious. Newlywed, fresh off my first year in law school, and working a a law clerk for a well-known law firm, the world was my oyster. The previous year, I had graduated from the University of South Carolina magna cum laude in English. I presented […]
Happy 14th Birthday, Taylor–A Poem from Mom
In the blink of an eye Time flies by The baby you behold Possibilities unfold You hang on her every coo and smile Feet hit the ground As she toddles around Energy boundless The house is always a mess But you cherish every song and story time Spreading her wings Horseback and dance, […]
Let the Butterfly Fly
Boy, being a mom is one heckuva tricky job. One minute, you’re comforting an injured child who got an eye scratch when her brother accidentally kicked bark in her eye. You are their healer-their source of comfort-their center. The next, they are trying all the angles to convince you that we MUST adopt a cat […]
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Back to School We Go (excuse me if I’m Grumpy!)
Oh boy, tomorrow morning is going to be U-G-L-Y. We’ve been sleeping in almost the entire Christmas break, so 6:00 is going to be brutal. It will Kick. My. Bootie. I could have phased in by moving the bedtime up and waking them up earlier, but hey, I’m the one who was sleeping in right […]